Ingacot invests $100 million in pig farming


The company will expand 25% its production in the hatcheries it owns on its farm in Bolívar.

With the support of BICE (Investment and Foreign Trade Bank), the agricultural company ingacot, dedicated to the breeding and reproduction of pigs, invests more than $100 million to expand the production capacity of its farm located in the Buenos Aires town of Bolívar.

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Ingacot will allocate this amount to increase 25% the breeding and fattening of pigs.

Focusing on pork exports, Bolívar company invests $ 120 million


ingacot will allocate that amount to increase 25% the breeding and fattening of pigs. The public entity will finance $ 70 million, the largest loan it gave to the sector. The company, which billed $ 900 million in 2020 and projects $ 1.5 billion in 2021, aims to double its production in five years.

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INGACOT SA invests to build the Argentina of the possible future


It plans investments for more than 100 million pesos and business growth that will have a favorable impact on the local economy.

The company INGACOT, settled in Bolivarian countryside for a long time, signed yesterday with BICE Bank officials, headed by its President, José Ignacio De Mendiguren, a loan that will allow it to generate an expansion of its pig breeding and breeding facilities and point to a sustained growth in the coming years.

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“Our company has a solid commitment to the country and to Bolívar”



With the first deliveries that occurred this week, the generation of the flow of the 5th module of 550 mothers began, equivalent to 24 additional deliveries per week. With the construction of the 5th module, the 2,750 mothers, adding 320 capons to the weekly flow to reach 1,600 capons per week. This production increase will go on the market in October 2021.

This growth is part of MASTER PLAN at 5,500 mothers prepared for the period 2016-28. The decision to move forward with this work, in a difficult context for the sector due to the high value of raw materials, is a sign of coherence and commitment to the strategic lines of INGACOT SA.


Visit Neighbors of Bolivar


“Swine fever is a strategic opportunity for Argentina”

The international analyst Jorge Castro warns that a national public-private plan should be considered with an axis in the meat agribusiness.


“Swine fever in China forces a global rethinking of animal protein production, which includes pork, beef and poultry as well, with a focus on supplying the main consumer market. It is a historic occasion for Argentina and it challenges it to establish it as a national strategic priority”, says Jorge Castro, a seasoned international analyst, with a profound knowledge of China like few others, who in an interview with Clarín Rural provides his global vision with singular forcefulness , supported by eloquent data.

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China, the year of the pig


In the short term, the consequences of the African Swine Fever epidemic in China are complicated for Argentina. The first effect was the drop in the demand for soybeans, the basis of the protein component of pig feed. This impacts the interior of the field and put the macroeconomic accounts on alert, since the soybean complex explains a third of the foreign currency that comes in from exports.
But in the long term it can be a great opportunity. I agree on this with Jorge Castro, who gave a twist to a document from the United States Department of Agriculture. The paper maintains that the recovery of Chinese herds will take no less than ten years. For Castro, this configures a situation of enormous implications for Argentina, and he advises considering it as a strategic issue.

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On 06/01/18 the construction of the 4th module began, which contemplates an increase of 550 mothers to reach the 2,200 mothers. This growth is part of MASTER PLAN at 5,500 mothers prepared for the period 2016-28. The decision to move forward with this work, in a difficult context for the sector, is a sign of coherence and commitment to the strategic lines of INGACOT SA.



In the 14th edition of the La Nacion - Banco Galicia Awards for Agricultural Excellence 2016, which took place on Tuesday, November 22, at the premises of the Argentine Rural Society, INGACOT was selected and awarded the prize in the shortlist for the "Excellence in Pork Production", by a jury of notables who evaluated the work of the contestants, placing special emphasis on innovation and creativity in production models.
ingacot was recognized for his integration model and high productivity, with a calving rate of 92.6% and 2.56 calvings per female per year. In post weaning and fattening I reached daily gains of 511 and 942 grams respectively. Regarding the integration of the system, the production of cereals and oilseeds from Bolívar's own fields are the basis for feeding the pig farm, which are then marketed as half-carcasses or processed.

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Formalize the creation of the first consortium to export pork
Some 13 pig-breeding companies, of which the INGACOT, are one step away from making the first formal pork export channel in the country. The Pork Export Cooperation Consortium, called Argenpork, has already begun the process of registering with the General Inspection of Justice (IGJ) and in 15 days it hopes to have everything formalized in order to advance, together with the Ministry of Agroindustry, in the opening of markets abroad.
These companies have the support of the Argentine Association of Pork Producers, where they state that "International demand is growing and Argentina has competitive advantages such as being disease-free and meeting international standards. In China, for example, consumption pig grows at 15% or 20%".
"The goal is to open markets and grow by providing predictability to add value while complying with international standards." According to the consulting firm IES, in the first eight months of the year, pig production reached 340,000 tons, 8.7% more than in the same period of 2015.


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